New Projects Monthly
Explore this collection of free projects you can add to your developer portfolio. Each project is based on real world web development scenario and includes Figma files, style guides, and more - everything you need to get started.
Design a One-time Password Feature
Put your full stack JavaScript skills to the test creating an application that handles OTP generation, validation, and user authentication.
Filterable and Sortable List Component
Develop a filterable and sortable list view component for an issue tracking application, allowing users to filter tickets based on severity and status.
Testimonial Carousel
Sharpen your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills by practicing responsive design, dynamic content manipulation, and user interaction in implementing a testimonial carousel for a creator services app.
Pricing Page Design
Flex your proficiency with responsive design, CSS Flexbox/Grid, and JavaScript interactivity by creating a Pricing Page for a software-as-a-service application that looks good on desktop and mobile.
Task Card Component and Detail View
Master foundational frontend development and responsive design skills by building a reusable Task Card and accompanying Task Detail View for a Project Management SaaS App.
Implement an RSVP Feature
Hone your responsive design and JavaScript or React skills by building an RSVP feature for a practical event management application.
Subtask Creation Workflow for SaaS App
Implement an interface for users to add and assign subtasks within a Project Management SaaS application.
Task Assignment Workflow
Create a feature that allows users to assign tasks to teammates within a Project Management SaaS.
Interactive Job Post Creator
Develop a job posting builder that streamlines the creation of job listings, incorporating user-friendly features and a mock API to simulate template saving and retrieval functionalities.
Create a Dynamic Account Application Form
Put your front end development skills to the test building a high-converting, customer-friendly account application form for a financial services firm.
Profile Page for a SaaS App
Create an elegant-looking, responsive profile page for a project management software, allowing users to view and update their personal and account information.
SaaS Notifications System
Create a notification system for a project management app that allows users to read, manage, and dismiss notifications they receive.
Event Card Component
Create a responsive, reusable card layout for an event planning website.
Landing Page for a SaaS App
Create an elegant-looking, responsive landing page for an applicant tracking system SaaS app.
Create a Dynamic Account Application Form in React
Use React to build a high-converting, customer-friendly account application form for a financial services firm.
Bring Your Own Python Project
Get an in-depth code review and practice interview with a professional developer on a fullstack Python project of your choice.
Bring Your Own React Project
Get an in-depth code review and practice interview with a professional developer on a React project of your choice.
Build a Support Dashboard for an AI Startup
In this capstone project, use Python and Flask to make an enterprise support dashboard more readable and performant.