
Bring Your Own Python Project

Get an in-depth code review and practice interview with a professional developer on a fullstack Python project of your choice.


About This Project

See how your front end project measures up to a senior developer's expectations, and get valuable feedback on ways to improve.

In this project, you can submit any full stack application you've built using Python and receive a professional code review and a practice interview with one of our reviewers.

Clones of existing sites, personal projects, and side projects all make great projects. The choice of scenario is up to you, but for best results, the project should be professional in nature.

Your project may use any combination of frontend libraries and frameworks you like, as well as any Python framework and database you prefer. Your reviewer will quiz you about your choices, so be prepared to discuss your decisions and tradeoffs.

During the code review and technical interview, we will assess a range of areas, including user interface design, interactivity, state management, handling HTTP requests (even if mocked), API design, database modeling and management, and more.

You'll receive a more detailed rubric after checkout.

Let's Start Building!

This project and many others like it are available with a Curricular account. Get started today.

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  • Detailed Rubric and Instructions
  • Starter Code and Assets
  • Professional Code Review
  • Technical Interview On Your Project
  • In-Depth Written Feedback Report
  • Certificate of Completion

Key Skills Required

  • Foundations of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Foundational Python
  • User Interface Design
  • HTTP Request / Response
  • API Design and Development with Python
  • Databases: Queries, Migrations
  • Test-driven Development
  • Version Control
  • Project Organization
  • Code Quality
  • ... and more


Why should I build this project instead of one from scratch?

In a professional context, you're rarely starting from scratch. Curricular Projects are designed to give you a constrained real world problem so you can focus on practicing the essential skills you'll use as a professional developer, and to surface specific areas to continue studying.

Who will review my code?

Our team of reviewers is comprised of professional developers with multiple years of experience. We vet their technical skills and ensure they're great at interviewing and reviewing code. We provide reviewers with specific criteria to make sure they cover the essentials during the code review and interview, to provide you with comprehensive feedback.

How can I get help if I'm stuck on a project?

Our projects are designed to be a real world assessment of your skills, like the take home assignment during a job interview. Getting yourself unstuck is part of the skills measured. As a result, we offer very little help and direction.

However, if you encounter issues with the setup, or if you find something isn't working right that should be working, you can contact us at and we'll help you out.

What materials do I need to submit?

To submit your materials, you'll submit a pull request to your GitHub repository.

In your README, include a link to a video or text walkthrough of the application. Describe the functionality and the basic structure of your code.

Do you provide official solutions to projects?

We do not provide official solutions to projects. There are many ways to solve each of our projects. Coding is a journey, so our goal isn't for you to get the "right answer." Instead, our projects are about you flexing your skills to arrive at a solution, practicing talking about your code, and giving you helpful feedback on ways to improve.

Can I work on this project with someone else?

Currently, our projects are designed for individual developers, not for groups or teams.

If you wish to use a team project for the Bring Your Own Project review, be sure your README specifies which parts of the project you were responsible for.

How will I receive my certificate of completion?

If your project meets all specifications, you'll receive a certificate of completion from Curricular as a pdf sent to your email. No action is necessary on your part.

We send certificates once per week.

Where can I ask a question that isn't answered here?

Email us at

It's Time to Level Up

Start Building