
FAQ Accordion

Practice essential frontend development skills by building this expandable and collapsable menu component.

3-5 hours

About This Project


In this project, you will create an FAQ Accordion for an applicant tracking system (ATS) software-as-a-service (SaaS) application. The accordion will be featured on the landing page, providing potential users with important information about the service.

This project will help you practice essential frontend development skills including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, with a focus on interactivity and user experience.

Your accordion should allow users to toggle the visibility of answers to frequently asked questions.

You are free to use any tools and frameworks you prefer, but the final implementation must meet the specified user stories and acceptance criteria.

Make sure the design looks great on both desktop and mobile devices. You may wish to leverage a CSS framework like Tailwind or Bootstrap to take advantage of utility classes and some helpful defaults.

The project should be version-controlled using Git, with regular commits documenting your progress.

User Stories

  1. User can see a list of questions, each appearing within its own bordered box, as shown in the design.
  2. User can click on a question to reveal its answer.
  3. User can click on the same question again to hide the answer.
  4. User can only see one answer at a time; opening a new answer hides the previous one.
  5. The FAQ section is visually appealing and matches the overall design of the landing page.
  6. The FAQ section is responsive and works well on both desktop and mobile devices.

Stretch Goals

If you want to go above and beyond, elevate your project by choosing one or more of these additional objectives:

  1. Add animation effects:
    • Use CSS animations to add a smooth sliding effect when toggling answers.
  2. Enhance accessibility:
    • Ensure the accordion is fully accessible, including keyboard navigation and ARIA roles.

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  • Detailed User Stories
  • Figma Design File
  • Image files of the target layout
  • Starter Code and README file

Skills Practiced

  • HTML & Semantic Markup: Using appropriate HTML elements for structure and accessibility.
  • CSS & Responsive Design: Styling the FAQ section with attention to responsiveness and visual design.
  • JavaScript & DOM Manipulation: Implementing interactivity with event listeners and DOM manipulation.
  • Version Control: Using Git for version control, including branching and merging.


Why should I build this project instead of one from scratch?

In a professional context, you're rarely starting from scratch. Curricular Projects are designed to give you a constrained real world problem so you can focus on practicing the essential skills you'll use as a professional developer, and to surface specific areas to continue studying.

Can I get help if I'm stuck on a project?

Our projects are designed to be a real world assessment of your skills, like the take home assignment during a job interview. Getting yourself unstuck is part of the skills measured. As a result, we offer very little help and direction.

However, if you encounter issues with the setup, or if you find something isn't working right that should be working, you can contact us at and we'll help you out.

Do you provide official solutions to projects?

We do not provide official solutions to projects. There are many ways to solve each of our projects. Coding is a journey, so our goal isn't for you to get the "right answer." Instead, our projects are about you flexing your skills to arrive at a solution, practicing talking about your code, and giving you helpful feedback on ways to improve.

Can I get feedback on my work?

Yes! Subscribers to Curricular Pro receive feedback on their project solutions.

Where can I ask a question that isn't answered here?

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