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Course Review

JavaScript Path


Here is our in-depth review of JavaScript Path, based on hours of rigorous testing and evaluation.

Updated: July 6, 2023

Bottom Line

Generally, egghead.io is best for professional web developers who want to stay current. Their format is concise screencast courses that cover the essentials of topics. As a result, we don't recommend it for learning JavaScript unless you already know a fair amount of it and want to brush up on specific topics.

This Course is Great For

  • Bite-sized learning
  • Experienced programmers

Fast Facts

JavaScript Path

JavaScript Path


By Various Authors

πŸ’° $25 per month πŸ•— 6 hours
πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» videos, code files

#6 in The Best Online Courses for Learning JavaScript in 2024

Egghead specializes in microlearning. Courses are typically less than an hour and hyper-focused on specific features of a language. This makes searching the library for specific screencasts incredibly easy, but it’s not necessarily the best solution for broad or in-depth coverage of topics.

Before You Buy

Since the platform is focused on keeping developers current, there isn’t a lot of practice. The platform tends to assume that you have projects where you can practice your newly-learned skills.

Their introductory material isn't as strong as other platforms, so if you’re new to JavaScript or new-ish to programming, you should choose a different solution.

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Other Courses to Consider to Learn JavaScript

Learn JavaScript

Learn JavaScript


By Per Harald Borgen

πŸ’° $39 per month (free option) πŸ•— 10.5 hours
πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» videos| coding exercises| guided projects| solo projects

#1 in The Best Online Courses for Learning JavaScript in 2024

Scrimba’s Learn JavaScript course is far and away the best free resource for learning JavaScript, as well as one of the best paid options if you choose to subscribe.

Read Our Full Review

Intro to JavaScript and Intermediate JavaScript

Intro to JavaScript and Intermediate JavaScript


By Various Authors

πŸ’° $249 per month πŸ•— 120 hours
πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» videos| coding exercises| quizzes| solo projects

#2 in The Best Online Courses for Learning JavaScript in 2024

The price point is high, but the quality of instruction is also among the highest. If you complete the intro course and intermediate JavaScript Nanodegree, you will be a strong JavaScript developer and have three portfolio projects you can use when applying for jobs.

Read Our Full Review

Learn JavaScript Path

Learn JavaScript Path

Frontend Masters

By Various Authors

πŸ’° $39 per month πŸ•— 36 hours
πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» videos| code-along| coding challenges

#3 in The Best Online Courses for Learning JavaScript in 2024

One of the top video-based JavaScript learning resources available. If you complete the introductory JavaScript courses plus the first 3-4 courses in the Learn JavaScript path, you'll become fairly solid with JavaScript.

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Fullstack JavaScript

Fullstack JavaScript


By Various Authors

πŸ’° $25 per month πŸ•— 41 hours
πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» videos| coding exercises| quizzes

#4 in The Best Online Courses for Learning JavaScript in 2024

Treehouse's Fullstack JavaScript path will equip you with the skills you need to write JavaScript professionally, either as a frontend developer or fullstack JavaScript developer.

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JavaScript Language Track

JavaScript Language Track


By Unknown

πŸ’° Free πŸ•— 40 hours
πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Readings| Coding Exercises| Mentoring

#4 in The Best Online Courses for Learning JavaScript in 2024

If you’re brand new to programming, this is a great starting point for learning the basics, especially since it's free. After getting up to speed with the basics, you should consider moving to another more robust solution grounded in real world application.

Read Our Full Review

Introduction to JavaScript and Intermediate JavaScript

Introduction to JavaScript and Intermediate JavaScript


By Various Authors

πŸ’° $29.99 per month πŸ•— 30 hours
πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» readings| coding exercises| quizzes| guided projects

#4 in The Best Online Courses for Learning JavaScript in 2024

A solid option for learning JavaScript through hands-on exercises, though it provides a bit too much hand-holding.

Read Our Full Review

JavaScript 2022 Path

JavaScript 2022 Path


By Various Authors

πŸ’° $45 per month πŸ•— 34 hours
πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» videos| code files| quizzes

#6 in The Best Online Courses for Learning JavaScript in 2024

Pluralsight is one of the best video-based learning options, largely due to the quality of Pluralsight's expert authors and their consistently high production quality.

Read Our Full Review

Programming with JavaScript

Programming with JavaScript


By Meta

πŸ’° $49 (free to audit) πŸ•— 42 hours
πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» videos| code files| graded assessment

#6 in The Best Online Courses for Learning JavaScript in 2024

While this course contains some well-produced video lectures and frequent multiple choice quizzes, the pace is too slow, the examples aren't as grounded in the real world, and the quality of peer feedback is too inconsistent.

Read Our Full Review

Why You Should Trust Us

Our course reviews are conducted by a team of technical professionals, course developers, and lifelong learners.

The lead of this project, Brian Green, has worked in developer education since 2009. He built the content development teams at Pluralsight and Udacity, implementing quality standards and tutorials to improve course quality and working with hundreds of authors to create courseware. Most recently, he built the product team at App Academy. As of writing, he estimates he has spent nearly a year of his life taking or reviewing online courses, on topics ranging from Web Development, Networking, Server Administration, DevOps, Cybersecurity, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence.

How We Tested

Evaluation Criteria

We reviewed this course using the following criteria:

  1. Outcomes: The course needs to cover the essentials for someone to start working with JavaScript in a professional capacity or on a professional-grade project. That means covering the right topics and not going beyond the scope of the course objectives.
  2. Learning Features: Real skill development happens with fingers on keys, particularly for learners moving from novice level. We looked for courses with more than just videos; exercises and projects were essential.
  3. Production Quality: The course should include polished and professional course materials. In 2024, the table stakes of even an average course are professional video production, uniform sound levels and noise-free audio, and course materials that are free of typos. Videos should also be captioned and transcribed.
  4. Real World Application: A great course teaches you enough to work on a production application. We looked for examples and best practices from professional experience, not just basic examples of how something works on a toy application.
  5. Support and Community: Learning is better together! We promote courses with thriving communities and rapid, helpful support for learners, and tend to rate courses lower if they lack community or if the community isn't valuable.

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