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The Best Online Courses for Learning Git and GitHub in 2024

We spent several hundred hours meticulously testing and reviewing several dozen Git courses from various vendors around the web. Here are the absolute best online Git and GitHub courses available right now.

Updated: January 5, 2024

Our Top Pick

Version Control with Git

Version Control with Git


By Richard Kalehoff

πŸ’° free πŸ•— 10 hours
πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Videos| Readings| Exercises

Bottom Line

Among the best free resources for learning Git foundations.

This Course Is Great For

  • Learning by Doing
  • Getting Started Quickly

This short course provides thorough explanations of Git foundations, combining video tutorials and written guides.

Udacity's platform now includes an OpenAI Chat GPT integration, where you can receive AI-powered personalized, immediate help.

With this free course, you don't get the same one-to-one mentorship offered with Udacity's Nanodegrees. There are forums where you can ask questions.

Runner Up

Learn Git and GitHub

Learn Git and GitHub


By Various Authors

πŸ’° $$$$$ πŸ•— 15 hours
πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Readings| Videos| Coding Challenges| Quizzes| Projects

Bottom Line

Solid hands-on option for learning the basics of Git and GitHub.

This Course Is Great For

  • Beginners
  • Hands-on Learning
  • Step by Step Practice

The hands-on exercise-based structure gets you coding immediately. In the first 5 minutes, the course introduces the core concepts of Git, and has you initializing, adding, and committing changes.

The exercises push you to recall what you’ve learned by walking through Git and GitHub workflows end to end. You won’t make many changes to the code, but you’ll see how each of the commands work in context.

Two off-platform projects will challenge you to take what you’ve learned and apply it to push changes out to the real world:

  • Deploying a mobile app landing page to GitHub Pages
  • Using GitHub to RSVP for a wedding

One of the most helpful sections is the Best Practices for GitHub Repositories module. Many courses focus solely on explaining the commands, without teaching best practices for working with real world repositories. Sections like β€œwriting a good pull request” should be mandatory for all developers.

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How We Picked and Tested

Course Selection

Our initial research involved spending hours reading hundreds of reviews of various course options, and perusing forums for recommendations and user preferences. From this research, we narrowed down to a list of 12 highly-rated candidate courses.

Evaluation Criteria

We graded the candidate courses against the following criteria:

  1. Outcomes: The course needs to cover the essentials for someone to start working with Git and GitHub in a professional capacity or on a professional-grade project. That means covering the right topics and not going beyond the scope of the course objectives.
  2. Learning Features: Real skill development happens with fingers on keys, not from passively watching. We looked for courses with more than just polished videos; exercises and projects were essential.
  3. Real World Application: A great course teaches you enough to work on a production application. We looked for examples and best practices from professional experience, not just basic examples of how something works on a toy application.
  4. Support and Community: Learning is better together! We looked for courses with thriving communities and rapid, helpful support for learners.
  5. Value for Money: Many of our recommendations are free courses. But where there's a cost, it should be justified by the quality of the experience and the outcomes.

From this thorough research and testing, we're confident this is the single best guide to Git and GitHub courses available.

Another Great Option

Learn Git the Hard Way

Learn Git the Hard Way


By Ian Miell

πŸ’° $$$ πŸ•— 2.5 hours
πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Readings| Coding Challenges| Quizzes| Assessments

Bottom Line

Solid hands-on option for learning the basics of Git.

This Course Is Great For

  • Hands-on Learning
  • Getting Up to Speed Quickly

This course focuses on teaching Git through a series of coding exercises, in which you type commands and study the results. The goal of this method is developing a connection between the knowledge and hands-on application.

Each lesson takes you step by step through common commands to illustrate the concepts. Things don’t get real-world for a while - you’re mostly adding 1-2 words to files and then committing the changes - but it’s helpful for understanding and practicing the steps one after the other, to build on your understanding.

The assessments are multiple choice and true-false questions, and mostly ask for recall of details about Git, such as whether GitHub created Git. They’re decent checks for understanding and reiteration of the concepts, but generally aren’t a substitute for practice and a hands-on project requiring you to piece together everything you’ve learned.

Another Great Option

CS50 Git Lecture

CS50 Git Lecture


By Brian Yu

πŸ’° Free πŸ•— 2 hours
πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Videos| Lecture Notes

Bottom Line

Engaging lecture and notes covering the essentials of using Git and GitHub.

This Course Is Great For

  • Beginners
  • Traditional Academic Distance Learning
  • Polished Videos

The course focuses on teaching you just enough to get started working with Git and GitHub.

The course doesn't include quizzes or exercises, so if you take this course, be sure to supplement with some practice to get your hands dirty before launching into using Git and GitHub regularly. This practice is best done locally on your own system, but if you prefer a browser-based solution for more practice, try Learn Git Branching.

Why Learn Git and GitHub

Git is a distributed version control system widely used in software development. It allows developers to track changes to their codebase, collaborate with others, and maintain different versions of their projects. Git stores snapshots of the project's state over time, enabling efficient code management, collaboration, and easy reverting to previous versions when needed.

GitHub is a web-based platform that provides hosting for software development using the Git version control system. It offers tools for collaboration, code review, and project management, making it easier for teams to work on software projects together. Developers use GitHub to share and contribute to open-source projects, collaborate on private repositories, and showcase their coding skills.

Key Topics to Learn

To prepare for using Git and GitHub professionally as a frontend or fullstack developer, focus on mastering these key topics:

  1. Version Control Concepts: Understand the fundamental concepts of version control, including repositories, commits, branches, and merges. Learn why version control is crucial for collaborative development.
  2. Git Basics: Master Git's basic commands, such as init, clone, add, commit, pull, push, and checkout. Practice creating and managing repositories locally.
  3. Branching and Merging: Learn how to create and manage branches for different features or bug fixes. Understand how to merge branches and resolve merge conflicts.
  4. Remote Repositories: Familiarize yourself with working with remote repositories on platforms like GitHub. Learn how to push your local changes to remote repositories and pull changes from them.
  5. Collaborative Workflows: Explore collaborative workflows like forking, branching, and creating pull requests. Understand code review and collaboration best practices.
  6. Git Flow: Learn about Git Flow, a popular branching model, to manage feature development, releases, and hotfixes in a structured manner.
  7. Resolving Conflicts: Gain proficiency in resolving merge conflicts that occur when two branches have conflicting changes. Learn how to use tools like diff and merge tools to handle conflicts.
  8. GitHub Features: Understand GitHub-specific features such as issues, pull requests, project boards, and GitHub Actions for continuous integration and deployment.
  9. Git Best Practices: Adopt best practices such as writing descriptive commit messages, maintaining a clean commit history, and keeping repositories organized.
  10. Git Hooks: Explore Git hooks to automate actions like running tests before a commit or sending notifications after a successful push.
  11. Gitignore: Learn how to create and maintain .gitignore files to exclude specific files or directories from being tracked by Git.
  12. Backup and Recovery: Understand how to back up your repositories and restore them if needed.

By mastering these topics, you'll be well-equipped to use Git and GitHub professionally as a full-stack web developer. Practice with real projects and collaborate with others to gain practical experience in using version control effectively.

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